About Our Company

The name of this organization is QMP TRAVELS LIMITED. This organization was established within this decade. The fundamental goal of this organization is to provide Traveling Consultation Services (TCS). Our services hinges on three main areas. These are: EMPLOYMENT, TOURISM and STUDY.
In order to have a smooth traveling experience, you can contact us for the best of service. For more insight into our services under these three areas, you can read on OUR SERVICES. Alternatively, you can contact us by the most suitable medium to you such as phone, telegram or email.


We are experts when it comes to getting a work visa. This means your vision of working abroad is secured


No matter which country you wish to tour, we get you the tour visa in real time.


Processing student visa is one of the easiest work we do.


Language tests such as IELTS open doors for both employment and study. We prepare you to get an excellent band score.

Tour lovers

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